Sponsor Board Application St. Anne's Spirit Day 2024
July 2024
Dear Friend of Saint Anne’s,
Plans and preparation are underway for our 21st Annual Spirit Day to be held on Saturday, October 5, 2024. We are looking forward to another exciting day of fun and fellowship this year with rides, games, food, music, and the drawing of the winning tickets of the Spirit Day Raffle! It promises to be another great experience for our parish family and the community. We would like to extend an invitation for you to participate as a supporter of this event.
Thank you for your support of our parish by advertising in our weekly Sunday bulletin. We invite you to continue your support and reach even more people with a Sponsor Board. Each Spirit Day season, the fence enclosing the parking lot is lined with attractive sponsorship boards. These four feet by two feet boards will contain the name of the sponsor and a message that the sponsor would like to send to the parish. The boards cost $300 each with no extra charge for your company logo. The sponsor boards are an important part of Spirit Day for the spirit that they generate, their attractiveness and the financial contribution they make to help insure the success of the day. Your board will go up once we receive your confirmation and will remain on the fence for a minimum of four weeks after the event. This means your board will be seen by not only the thousands of people who come throughout the day but also by everyone who comes by the parking lot over a few months. In addition, we publish the names of our supporters in the Sunday bulletin in the weeks leading up to the event. We will also publish a thank you in the Christmas bulletin, once again reminding our parishioners of how grateful we are for your support. We have enclosed sample bulletin pages from 2023 thanking our supporters and encouraging our parishioners to support their business as well as a picture of some sponsorship boards lining the fence.
To purchase a board, please complete the enclosed application and return it to the rectory at
35 Dartmouth Street, Garden City, NY 11530. If you have any questions please contact
Mary Lou Engrassia at 516-352-5904 or mlengrassia@stannesgc.org. Remember, the sooner you send the application, the more time your board will be up for all to see!
Thank you for considering this opportunity to be a supporter of Spirit Day and Saint Anne’s. We hope to see you and your families on October 5th!
Sincerely yours,
Father Tom & the Saint Anne’s Spirit Day Committee
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