School Supplies for Children in Need
School Supplies for Children in Need
Several of the parish outreach centers we regularly support have asked us to donate school supplies for families in need in their communities. They are hoping to have enough school supplies on hand by August 23rd to distribute to families who are struggling to provide for their children.
Back packs that are sturdy and large enough for middle school age children are especially appreciated. Items may be left in the Loaves and Fishes Closets in the lobby of the Church, open 7:00-3:45 on weekdays and all day on Saturday and Sunday.
Items most needed are: Pens and Pencils Marble & Spiral Notebooks Sturdy Backpacks Index Cards Rulers Binders Post-its Loose Leaf Paper Crayons & Markers Glue Folders Please leave your donations in the Loaves & Fishes closets marked “School Supplies.
Thank you!
Monetary Donations: If you are unable to do the shopping but would like to offer support, you may send a check payable to St. Anne’s Church, with the notation: “School Supplies” to: Saint Anne’s Church, 35 Dartmouth Street, Garden City, NY 11530 or you may now donate through WeShare.