35 Dartmouth Street, Garden City, New York 11530 - (516) 352-5904
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Covid Update

December 2021

Regarding New York State Governor’s directive regarding masks, the Diocese of Rockville Centre has asked “that the following announcement be clearly communicated to parishioners through your normal means of communication:

“The Governor of New York State has included houses of worship in her recent directives. Therefore, since the Church does not require parishioners to present proof of vaccination in order to worship God, we ask that all parishioners (two years of age and older) comply with the requirement to wear masks when participating in any activities on parish grounds. This state requirement is currently in effect through January 15, 2022. We will continue to adapt accordingly as new information becomes available. Your patience and Christian charity towards one another during this difficult time is appreciated.”

We are all encouraged to be patient and charitable to all. “It is not the responsibility of any individual to police/enforce state regulations.”