Fr. Tom’s Letters
Each week Fr. Tom writes a letter to parishioners in our bulletin. Every letter is comprehensive, including current information about the Parish, an explanation of Scripture for that Sunday, and an invitation to become more engaged in the life of the parish.
September 8, 2024
Dear Parishioners,
At the beginning of the summer we began a ‘summer experiment.’ We offered a parish Mass at 9:00AM in the St. Francis Ministry Center. I think those who shared in this 9:00AM Mass would describe the “summer experiment” as successful! The 9:00AM Mass was described in the bulletin as “a simple Mass with no music.” Another person observed this 9:00AM Mass had similarities with a weekday Mass. Most likely the “summer experiment” will be renewed next summer.
With the return of the school year, the Family Mass will return to the weekly calendar. The Family Mass will be at 9;00AM in the St. Francis Ministry Center. After some discussion, some think that 9:00AM is a more conducive time for Mass for families of school aged-children. With many weekend activities for families with young children, we believe that a 9:00AM Mass will allow more families to attend Mass before continuing their day with all the activities that now take place on Sundays. The Family Mass will begin on Sunday, September 22nd at 9:00AM.
So the 9:00AM “summer experiment” will continue with the 9:00AM Mass on Sundays, September 8 and 15. The Family Mass with our Family Mass musicians and singers will begin on September 22. We hope that those who so much enjoyed the 9:00AM Summer Mass will stay with us for the 9:00AM Family Mass. I think we all learned something from the “summer experiment” and will be able to incorporate what we learned in the Family Mass.
All the children in our faith formation program and parish school are expected to attend Sunday Mass each week. We hope to see these 1200 children with their families throughout the weekend Mass schedule. Our Family Mass gives families with young children another opportunity for Mass in a less formal setting. Only by attending Sunday Mass can our children enjoy the full benefit of the faith formation program or Catholic school. Without Sunday Mass, a Catholic child is being deprived of an essential element of our Catholic Faith.
Many people, parishioners and visitors, remark about the beauty of our church. People enjoy the stained glass windows and their depiction of the Joyous and Glorious Mysteries of the Rosary. People like the brightness of our Church and the various expressions of color from sunrise to sunset that the colorful windows emit. Church environment is important. People appreciate appropriate flowers and plants. Parishioners want a clean Church. The parish now needs some new volunteers to assist with the Church environment. Parishioners who have an interest in flowers and plants can be of great assistance. Other parishioners may have an interest in keeping clean and neat the altar cloths and other appointments that we see in the Church. Perhaps you are a parishioner who would like to assist with Christmas flowers, crèche, and other decorating. Maybe you would like to assist with Holy Week or Easter. We are inviting and hoping that some parishioners might come forward to help keep our Church a wonderful sanctuary for the Mass that we celebrate each Sunday. If you have an interest or want more information, please contact Fr. Tom (, Sr. Judy (, or Linda Leone ( Thank you for considering this request.
Preparations are well underway for Spirit Day on Saturday, October 5. Danny O’Keefe ( is welcoming all volunteers. What Danny cannot do is purchase your winning Spirit Day raffle ticket. You need to purchase the ticket yourself. Bulletin forms, the parish website, WeShare, and a mailing all provide opportunities for you to purchase the winning ticket. Do so before it’s closed out.
On Wednesday of this week we will observe the tragedy of September 11, 2001. Twenty-three years ago, we were all shocked and saddened by the evil that claimed thousands of lives, on that day and in the years that have followed. Many families and several families of our parish live with fresh memories and heavy hearts of the losses that occurred on that Tuesday morning. We continue to mourn. As our faith encourages, we continue to pray. We pray for the deceased, their families, and for survivors. We pray for peace.
Have a peaceful week!
Fr. Tom
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