Faith Formation
Welcome to St. Anne's Faith Formation 2024-2025
Spring 2024
Dear Faith Formation Families,
We recently completed another successful Faith Formation year with the celebrations for 170 Confirmation students and 180 First Communicants. With a program of about 900 students, we are happy with how the program is received by our students and their families.
We are already working for the new year that begins in the fall. We need your help in two ways as we begin so we can have a successful start.
- All returning families need to complete their registration in June. We have families who want to come to our program from outside the parish. We are delaying our acceptance of these students until our present families are registered for next year. Please do not delay your registration. Register today!
- Class availability and size depends on catechist volunteers. Without sufficient catechists, class sizes become too large and choice of days becomes more limited. We help the catechists, give them what they need and are most grateful for your service. Please consider prayerfully volunteering for this important service to the children and the parish.
How to Register:
- Registration begins May 29th and concludes June 26th.
- Registration takes place through the online service of WeShare.
A detailed outline of the registration process you will find at the conclusion of this letter.
As we began last year, we do not have separate Faith Formation fees. Faith Formation families as they register through WeShare are asked to commit to a $10.00 weekly or $50.00 monthly parish contribution to WeShare. This contribution helps the parish to meet its many expenses including the Faith Formation Program. Contributions also assist with building and maintenance costs, salaries and benefits, ministries and activities and other parish costs. Our total parish budget now exceeds $5,000,000.
This WeShare contribution of $10.00 weekly or $50.00 monthly extends throughout the calendar year. It is recorded as your Sunday parish offering. For Faith Formation families already using WeShare, when you register for next year, you simply have to add your information to your Faith Formation registration. If you wish to support the parish with an increased offering, you simply indicate that increase on your registration.
Please note that this is a family contribution to support the parish. Having more than one child in the program does not increase the offering. This WeShare commitment is a way of helping all families more actively support the dynamic Catholic life we have here at Saint Anne’s.
Faith formation is a vitally important element of our parish. We anticipate over 500 families registering nearly 900 children for the fall, 2024. Children coming to Faith Formation is one expression of your family’s participation in Catholic life and in the life of your parish. Sunday Mass is an essential part of a Catholic’s life. Altar serving, CYO, service projects, and choirs involve hundreds of families. We offer initiatives to encourage growth in faith and service. Please join us for Faith Formation, Sunday Mass, and other opportunities for service, community, and growth in faith.
Begin by helping us to make the registration process a positive experience for everyone. Register today by following the directions enumerated below.
- Log into WeShare from the St. Anne’s Parish website homepage (teal box on home page that says “Give online with WeShare”)
- Sign in with your password or use the “forgot password” link.
- Click on “Scheduled” and verify that you are signed up for a minimum $10/weekly or
$50/monthly offering and that your offering is designated as “ongoing/no end date.”
- Click on the down arrow in the upper right hand corner and choose “My Account.” You will find your envelope #, which will be required for the Faith Formation Registration Form.
- Click “Home” and then click on the box labeled “Returning Families Faith Formation Registration.” Complete registration for each of your children.
Please make sure to follow steps carefully to ensure that your registration is not placed on hold. For questions please contact
Vivian Flood at 516-488-1032 or
Enjoy a blessed summer!
Msgr. Thomas J. Harold Vivian Flood
Pastor Faith Formation Administrator
For drop off and pick up of your children for Faith Formation, please park legally to avoid congestion and accidents. You must get out of your car to claim your child. Legal parking on Dartmouth Street or in the church parking lot is preferred. Grade 7 and 8 parents – Please do not motion your child across the street or double park.
Click Here for Current Important Dates
Saint Anne's Faith Formation Program fosters the spiritual, emotional and personal growth of families and children in our Parish community. The program’s purpose is to provide a supportive, nurturing environment where young people and their parents can grow in their relationship with Jesus Christ. The program supports parents as the primary educators of their children in the faith.
The focus of the program is three-fold: instruction in the faith, practice of the faith through liturgies, and service.
Opportunities for students and parents to worship together are provided through Class Masses and encouragement of attendance at Sunday and Holy Day Masses. Age appropriate service initiatives are introduced to classes in the earlier grades. The older students are encouraged to look around their communities and see and fill needs, thus developing a life-long attitude of giving. Instruction is provided by volunteer catechists who share their faith with the children. Making use of texts are approved by the Diocese of Rockville Centre.
Classes for children in grades 1 through 8 are provided. Students in grades 1 through 6 may presently register for a class of one hour on Monday, Tuesday, or Wednesday afternoons (4 to 5:00 PM). Seventh and eighth grade students meet on Wednesday evenings from 7 to 8:00 PM approximately twice a month, and also for specially scheduled presentations. A calendar is provided in advance to assist parents in planning.
Additional information on these programs can be obtained by contacting the Faith Formation staff at the following:
Telephone: (516) 488-1032Coordinator: Vivian Flood
Secretary: Laura Pulis