35 Dartmouth Street, Garden City, New York 11530 - (516) 352-5904
How Do I?


The whole power of the sacrament of Penance consists in restoring us to God’s grace and joining us with him in an intimate friendship.

-  Catechism of the Catholic Church


The Sacrament of Penance and Reconciliation celebrates God’s love for us and communicates that even when we have sinned, God wants to embrace us, love us and forgive us. 

In the sacrament we examine our consciences by reflecting on our relationships with God and others, confess our sins to the priest, receive a penance, pray a prayer of contrition and then the priest prays the prayer of absolution.

Opportunities for individual celebration of the Sacrament of Reconciliation are offered in the Church each Saturday from 4:00-4:45PM . 

If you cannot make these times, please call the Parish Office at (516) 352-5904 to arrange to meet with a priest and receive the sacrament.