35 Dartmouth Street, Garden City, New York 11530 - (516) 352-5904
How Do I?

Religious Societies & Groups


Knights of Columbus

Founded in 1882, the Knights of Columbus is a world-wide fraternal organization of Catholic men that believe in the principles of Charity, Unity, and Fraternity.  

The Msgr. John Seidenschwang Council #11836, chartered in 1996, has undertaken many activities that benefit our parish such as Spirit Day, the blood drive, defensive driving courses, charitable works of mercy, sponsoring families for Thanksgiving and Christmas, the Tree Lighting celebration and many more.

If you are a Catholic gentleman over the age 18, you are invited to join us. Please contact Bob Guida at rtguida40@hotmail.com for more information.



Respect Life Committee

The Respect Life Committee strives to promote the message of the Gospel of Life: that life is sacred from conception to natural death.  The members engage in prayer, education, and charitable activities to achieve this goal.

For more information, please call (516) 359-1298.

We also have a special concern for those mothers who are pregnant and find this to be a difficult and uncertain time. We understand and want to help you with your baby whose tiny heart began beating 18 days after conception.  For confidential assistance with your pregnancy and information about alternatives to abortion, call the Life Center in Deer Park at 631-243-2373 or Regina Residence in Merrick at 516-223-7888 or Birthright in Wantagh at 516-785-4070.