On behalf of the Saint Anne’s Faith Community, please accept our congratulations on your engagement! We are delighted you have come to the parish to plan your wedding. Helping to prepare engaged couples for marriage is a special ministry at Saint Anne’s. We pray you will open your hearts and minds as you begin your journey towards this most important commitment.
Marriage Preparation
- The first step in Marriage Preparation is for the couple to call the Parish Office at (516) 352-5904. A wedding date may only be discussed after an initial interview.
- All engaged couples are required to complete a FOCCUS (Facilitating Open Couple Communication, Understanding and Study) survey. FOCCUS is a self-assessment tool designed to assist couples in learning more about themselves and each other.
- Couples must also participate in a Marriage Preparation Program. The program at Saint Anne’s is offered once a year during the winter months. While it is hoped you will participate in marriage preparation at the parish, the diocese also offers Marriage Preparation programs which may be found on the diocesan website, (click on the Marriage tab).
Saint Anne’s will do all we can do to help make your wedding day a joyous and sacred event. If you have questions, please do not hesitate to call the Parish Office at (516) 352-5904.