Volunteer Opportunities
The Church of Saint Anne invites all parishioners to share their God-given gifts of time and talent with the parish. Every ministry offered through the parish relies on the support of volunteers.
There are many ways you can volunteer:
- serving as a liturgical minister or singing with a choir at Mass,
- helping people in need through Parish Social Ministry or
- educating children in our Faith Formation program.
People of all ages, including families with young children, can become involved!
If you are interested in volunteering your time and talents, please contact the Parish Office at 516-352-5904. A member of the pastoral staff will talk to you to learn more about your area of interest as well as to answer any questions you wish to ask.
In order to protect all God's children, volunteers are required to submit an Application for Volunteer Service and to attend a session of VIRTUS Training. Volunteers are also asked to sign a Code of Conduct and to consent to a criminal background check. Thank you for helping us ensure the safety of all the children and young people of our parish.
VIRTUS Training is offered throughout the diocese on a regular basis. To view the schedule and register, please visit www.drvc.org.
- Join the Parish
- Electronic Giving
- Catholic Ministries Appeal
- Knights of Columbus
- Live Streaming Mass from St. Anne's
- Volunteer Opportunities
- Booster Club
- New to the Parish ?
- Prayer Requests
- Fr. Tom's Letters
- Directions
- Accessibility
- Diocese of Rockville Centre - Chapter 11
- Are You In Need?
- Catholic Faith Network Information
- Saint Anne's School
- Parish Advisory Groups
- Religious Societies & Groups
- Staff Directory
- Protect our Children
- Resources & Links