Request Prayers for Someone Who is Sick
Ill and Hospitalized? Federal regulations prevent hospitals from indicating if a patient is Catholic and wishes to receive the sacraments unless the patient expressly wishes to release that information. If you or someone you love is ill or hospitalized and would like to receive the Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick, Holy Eucharist or the Sacrament of Reconciliation, you may notify the hospital chaplain or call Saint Anne's at (516) 352-5904 to see a priest from our parish. We are here to help if you give us a call!
Would you like to join your prayers to that of the whole parish? A kind invitation from Linda Leone and Sr. Judy can be found below. They indicate how you can forward the names of those persons for whom you wish to pray. As your requests are received, we will discover various ways to include them in the prayers of the parishioners at St. Anne’s including at Sunday and daily Masses. With Sr. Judy, Linda Leone, and all the parish priests and parish staff, we invite your requests for prayers.
Saint Anne’s Church is here for you. For all those who are sick, Saint Anne’s Parish will be praying for you. We invite you to send us the names of those who are ill so we can include them in the prayers offered at Saint Anne’s. With respect to the privacy of individuals, these names will not be read aloud but will be known to our priests, deacons and staff.
For those who have lost a loved one we will include the names of the deceased in our prayers.
We will keep the names of all these individuals on cards that will be kept in a basket in the sanctuary near the altar, as a visible sign for all to know we are praying for them.
Please send the names of those who are sick and those who have died to
Linda Leone at
Wishing you the peace of Christ.