35 Dartmouth Street, Garden City, New York 11530 - (516) 352-5904
How Do I?

Proof of Claim Form

Proof of Claim Form


For anyone who believes they have a Sexual Abuse Claim against an Additional Debtor (parish) arising prior to December 3, 2024, the claim form to submit and related information can be found at:

https://dm.epiq11.com/case/drvc/info <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/dm.epiq11.com/case/drvc/info__;!!Dahw-A9d0CA!0_55QHJscCJOmIA5cg7gAGRBlmewtaC7MfPPErUAlv8BYMLP46Zb5f8JRK7e_YkOBc54gvVLzRm_vPVvlew$>  under the “Proof of Claim Form” heading. 


The deadline for filing claims is January 13, 2025, at 11:59 p.m. prevailing Eastern time.