Getting To Know your Faith
Getting to Know your Faith
Discussion on November 14, 2023
Approximately 30 parishioners gathered on October 10th at the St Francis Ministry Center and participated in a lively discussion led by Fr. Tom on “The Trinity”.
Our next talk will be held on Tuesday, November 14th at 7 pm. The topic will be “Grace” and is the second chapter in the book- The Mystery of Faith: An Introduction to Catholicism by Michael J. Himes.
This series is sponsored by the St Anne’s Men’s Ministry and is open to all- both men and women! It is being offered to so we can all share our faith and grow in our knowledge and love of Christ as a community of believers! All are welcome!
Please register by contacting the rectory at (516) 352-5904 or by e-mailing-
It is suggested that you obtain a copy of the book and read the chapter before the session. It is easily available on Amazon and is relatively inexpensive. Here is a link:
In his familiar, conversational style, Father Himes invites the reader to consider ten basic truths of Catholicism. Beginning with discussions of Trinity, Grace, the Incarnation and Salvation, Himes moves into an exploration of Church as the continuing presence of Jesus Christ in the world today. After discussing what Baptism and the baptismal commitment really involves, he focuses on Eucharist, showing the importance of the sacrament for personal growth and for the building of community. After discussing the Sacraments of Matrimony and Holy Orders, Himes explores the importance of the sacrament of reconciliation in the Christian community and concludes with a discussion of the great gift to the church that we know as tradition.
Based on Father Himes' popular video series, The Mystery of Faith, this book includes questions for reflection and discussion at the conclusion of each chapter. An excellent resource for small groups or parish learning communities seeking to revitalize and deepen their understanding of basic Catholic beliefs.
The audio edition of this book can be downloaded via Audible.